I am always on the hunt for new organizational ideas, especially ones geared towards kids! Now that it is the start of a new year, why not get going on some of those organizational pins from Pinterest you’ve googled over.
Both of today’s ideas are from I Heart Organizing. I love her site for all things organization.
Simple Kids School Work Storage
When it comes to school, one thing is for certain, the paper trail is endless! I have tried multiple strategies from the gung-ho beautifully scrapbook album for each kiddo, which only leaves you feeling behind, to the piles of paperwork that you never do anything with.
This strategy is simple. You have a file for each year already printed out and set up so there really is no excuse!
Everyday I sort through the girls school work, quickly deem what’s trash and what’s preservable, throw it in the current year’s file and that’s that! Pictures, artwork, benchmark tests, etc. It all goes. At the end of the school year we’ll go through each file again to make sure there isn’t too much, do a second weeding and ytou’re done! I love the simplicity.
Free Printables and wonderful inspiration found HERE
Simple Kids Routines {Morning and Evening}
Next up was just another great idea also found over at
Pctures work wonders for the little ones when trying to keep them on a schedule. I don’t always have to remind then what comes next during each morning or evening routine. They simply look at their chart and they know! Miraculous. In the beginning they would check off each step, but now they simply look to make sure everything is done and they’er on their way!
Free Printables and wonderful inspiration found HERE
What will you try from Pinterest this week? Anything you are wanting to get organized this month?
Here’s to a great New Year!