Happy New Year’s Eve day
Do you have plans tonight? Last year we stayed home with our little ones and had a New Year’s celebration at 8pm, snuggled in bed and fell asleep. It was wonderful, but this year we decided to go out. Let’s hope we can stay up that late!
I am not a big fan of New Year’s Resolutions, but we are making some for our blog. Our team is working hard and making big changes to our blog. We want this to be a place where you can come and be inspired, learn new things, get to know us and where we can get to know you. We would love your comments and feedback. Please let us know in the comments on our posts and on our facebook page. So here is what we need from you…
~ What do you want to see more of on the blog?
a. DIY’s
b. Furniture re-dos
c. Inspiration
d. other- please tell us!
Please tell us so we can be better for you!