Name: Katie Hughes + Ginny Winters
Business Name: Vintage Rose Wraps | Flipped Bird
Shops where people can find you: Shops all over the USA—mostly boutique shops, womens apparel, and specialty gift shops
Personal bio: We are sisters. We are business owners. And we are mothers to five children, each. We were raised in Salt Lake City, deep in the heart of the Rocky Mountains. It was the perfect place to cultivate an amazing childhood; a city rich in arts and culture, family and faith. But we spent weekends in the country at a little place called Midway, a picturesque, European-like town where childhood dreams and wonders could run wild and free. It is there that we learned how to work hard and dream big. Our love for creating beautiful things started at the apron hem of our own Mother. It sounds so picturesque–but it’s true. She believed deeply in teaching and instructing the girls in our family to create. We are the youngest two of six children. We come from a long line of dreamers and creators, one of which was our great-grandmother, Hazel, who, after her husband died an early death, set out to make bread to sell and offered a first-of-its-kind delivery truck to deliver to her customers.
How did you start your business & why? We started about 6 years ago with the headband and have diversified our brand through the years. We’ve always done things together and when we knew there was something special with our headbands, we decided to work as hard as we could to get our products out there. We first participated in holiday boutiques but then found success at wholesale gift markets. Now our business consists of both wholesale shows and high-quality retail shows.
How would you best describe your style and the items you sell? Our products definitely have a vintage feel, but we generally stay on trend with fabrics and styles. We’ve expanded our product line from headbands to include earrings, boot cuffs, leather bracelets, ruffle bags, and aprons. We bought Flipped Bird the beginning of 2015 and love adding this beautiful brand of reversible bags and hair ties to our product line.
When was your first Junk in the Trunk Vintage Market? Spring 2014. This JITT will be our 4th showing.
And what is your favorite part about the event? Or a favorite memory? Honestly, with all the shows we attend, Junk in the Trunk is one of our favorites. There isn’t a better show in Arizona for sure with as great a pull with customers coming and with so many unique vendors. I love the heart and detail that goes into the events. It really makes us vendors feel like we are part of something special. We love being apart of the JITT family! Our favorite thing is stealing away from our booth for a few minutes so we can shop the other booths as well! Haha.
What’s your favorite place to get away in the summer? Mentioned earlier, but definitely Midway, Utah.
Thank you so much Katie & Ginny for sharing! Head over to facebook and check out Vintage Rose Wraps & Flipped Bird as they are prepping for the market!