Business Name: Slipcovered
Shops where people can find you: Merchants Square
Personal bio: I enjoy motocross, fishing and my grandkids.
How did you start your business & why? The 1990’s economy led me to slipcovers. The 2000’s economy led me to do vintage markets.
How would you best describe your style and the items you sell? From shabby chic to industrial.
When was your first Junk in the Trunk Vintage Market? First JITT 2012 outside.
And what is your favorite part about the event? Or a favorite memory? Favorite part is being a part of the best market in the southwest.
What’s your favorite place to get away in the summer? Anywhere with pine trees.
Thank you so much Scott for sharing! Be sure to come on out to the market on September 19th and 20th to see the treasures Slipcovered has collected!