Business Name: My Thrifty Sister
Shops where people can find you: Rusty Saturday
Personal bio: I am a florist, a teacher’s aide, a Pastor’s wife, I coordinate our churches nursery, I am a native Phoenician, I have 1 grandson (so far) I am addicted to Coke Zero, York Peppermint Patties and Repurposing.
How did you start your business & why? I have always been an “I can make that” kind of gal and decided it was time to stop saying it and start doing it. I made all my decor, set up a facebook page, pulled up my big girl panties and went to Rusty Saturday. I asked them to take a glance at my page and within a few months I was a vendor in their shop and have been creating ever since. I am a teacher’s Aide and attend school with two girls with special needs. There are days I come home, some hard days, I put on my goggles and cut some wood and create.
How would you best describe your style and the items you sell?
When was your first Junk in the Trunk Vintage Market? Nov. 2013
And what is your favorite part about the event? Or a favorite memory? I walked into JITT in April of 2013 and it was like the light shown down from heaven, I had found my dream. I’m pretty sure I hounded Lindsey and Coley the week after that show to find out how to get in the next one. I set up a canopy in my living room and displayed all my thrifty decor, took photos, applied and have been in there since. And another favorite memory is when I saw a lady looking at a few things I had made and I told her, “I know you’re thinking you can make this, and you can. You can buy the wood, cut the wood, sand, paint and sand again, add the decor, rafia, beads and you’ve got it.” She looked at me and said ,”I’ll take two”.
What’s your favorite place to get away in the summer? To see my family in LA, I love the beach too.
Thank you so much Cindy for sharing! Head over to instagram to follow My Thrifty Sister as she is preparing for the market!