Business Name: Desert Modern Metals
Shops where people can find you: Junk in the Trunk September 2015; Desert Botanical Garden Biannual Plant Sale October 2015 & March 2016; Fountain Festival of Arts & Crafts November 13-15, 2015; The Great Fair February 26-28, 2016; Tempe Festival of the Arts December 4-6, 2015; Berridge Nurseries 18th Annual Art in the Garden April 9, 2016.
Personal Bio: Teri and Leslie met in 2009 in court reporting school. Both women soon realized a common interest in gardening and interior design, and a friendship was born. Frustrated by lack of originality and disposable, mass-produced metal garden items readily available, the 2 friends signed up for a sculptural welding course in 2012. The rest is history. Desert Modern Metals was formed in 2013 with an emphasis on the use of salvaged metals and new and vintage glass to produce one-of-a-kind sculpture and garden art. Our products are crafted to last and have a heft and originality that you will not find in mass-produced items available in the marketplace today. We love what we do, and it shows!
When was your first Junk in the Trunk Vintage Market: May 2014
What is your favorite part of the event: Meeting other creative customers and vendors who continually inspire us and serve to push the boundaries of our own creativity.
Where’s your favorite place to get away in the summer: The Pool after a hot day of welding!!!
Thank you so much Teri & Leslie for sharing with us! Be sure to come check them out at our next market on September 19th and 20th at WestWorld.