Name: Merilee Cameron, Monique Fullmer, Megan Craghead
Business Name: Barn 4461
Shops where people can find you:
Personal bio: We are 3 sisters from a family of 10 siblings! We grew up on a farm in South Chandler, where the city grew up around us. With a 15 year age span between us, we bring a wide variety of tastes and talents to the barn. We have a passion for history and a desire to restore and reuse lovely items. Megan has a degree in American history, is married, and has 3 children under 8. Merilee has a flair for decorating and baking, is married and has 3 teenage children. Monique has a degree in education, is married and has 3 children, 20, 16, and 2.
How did you start your business & why? We have an old barn and a love of beauty, and a desire to combine the two.
How would you best describe your style and the items you sell? At Barn4461, we focus on vintage decor and furniture. We sell items that we love! Occasionally, we venture toward industrial and kitsch, and we often want to keep our finds.
When was your first Junk in the Trunk Vintage Market? Our first JITT was September 2013.
And what is your favorite part about the event? Or a favorite memory? We love that there is a place for lovers and restorers of beautiful, vintage, rusty, well-loved junk to gather and share their finds with the people of Arizona. We love telling our friends about the amazing finds there, and then seeing our friends with their wonderful treasures!
What’s your favorite place to get away in the summer? We all love to travel, sometimes together, sometimes with our individual families. Merilee loves visiting her former homes in Portland, OR, and Santa Cruz, CA. We love those places too. Monique’s family often visits family in Southern Utah, near the canyon lands. Megan can’t be nailed down, you will find her in the mountains or at the beach. And, we all love a good trip back East.
Thank you for the fun introduction Barn 4461 gals! Definitely not a booth we’d want any of our junkers to miss! Give our friends a visit on their fun Instagram account here!