Alright I warn you, the next couple posts are going to be very picture heavy, but I’m sure you are all anxious to see all the FABULOUS pictures from the market Saturday! We honestly could not pull off the market without the help of so so many people!! So I am also going to begin all the THANK YOU!!!
First and foremost, THANK YOU! so much to everyone that came out on Saturday to enjoy the event and SHOP! There were so so MANY treasures and it looks like most of you left with something in hand! As I look at all these pictures and all the pictures you all of been posting, there were so many FABULOUS finds! And another HUGE THANK YOU to all the crafty, crazy, unique and AweSOme vendors! Who made this event look more amazing and grand every time!
We also want to THANK Rafterhouse for joining us! They built this GRAND AND AMAZING entrance for you all to walk it to!! Wasn’t it FABULOUS!?! Thank you so much!
Thank you to West Elm for providing this BeAUtiFUl and inspiring green beauty and a HUGE THANK YOU to Modern Manor for donating the mining cart that Young Life raffled off!!!
And THANK YOU to Pottery Barn Kids for donating this super cute table and chairs and dollhouse!!! And a HUGE THANK YOU to our AMAZING design consultant Chantelle LeFrancios for all her work on creating these two space and the ever FABULOUS Mandy Floch for all her hard work in creating and assisting all our needs!
A BIG THANK YOU to our AMAZING friends and family that come every market and help us make sure things run smoothly. This picture unfortunately does not nearly include everyone, but these were the bright shining faces that greeted you all at the ticket tables. We so greatly appreciate their commitment and willingness to serve us!
Thank you to all our FABULOUS <a href=””>Young Life</a> workers!!! They really are a huge reason why this event is able to function and we are so thankful for all their hard work!!
And one last one for today a CRAZY HUGE THANK YOU to my brother and his wife for coming out for the weekend! I’m sure a lot of saw them wondering around taking video and interviewing people! My brother is working on a great video that we will get to share with you in the upcoming weeks of the Market!
That’s all for today, but check back tomorrow for lots more pictures and fun!!! And we have Danielle with Danielle Apple Photography to THANK for these FABULOUS pictures!!! She spent the entire day wandering around and we are so thankful for all these fun memories!!!