I have had lots of questions about my glittered picture ornaments. We used them on our Photo Booth tree, and I now have them on my tree at home. What you will need…
*Old pictures ~ I bought a huge box of them for $5 at an auction, but you can get them at any antique store for $.50-$1.00 each.
*Glitter ~ I use German Glass Glitter, but any will do. Martha Stewart has some great glitter in fun colors
*Small paint brush
Just paint glue on the edges of the pictures and sprinkle glitter.
It’s a big bang for little buck. Fun and easy!
Here is some of my decoration I have gotten up so far. I have more I want to put up, but Christmas came fast this year. Anyone else feel like that too?
I love this vintage looking iron stand that I am using as a card holder. It doesn’t fit them all unfortunately, but I love it anyway!
I have been practicing my chalk hand writing and design, it’s not perfect, but I am getting better I think.
Are you in the Holiday spirit yet? I am getting there, just trying to focus on the reason for the season. If you are looking for a great way to talk to your kids about the real reason for Christmas, Jessie Tree is a great program. We are using Jesus Calling Bible Storybook to read the scripture and our boys love to listen to it every night.