Alright well in just over a week I will be taking off for about a month. We are hittin the road! With all 3 kiddos! Our first stop will be Sacramento to visit my husband family and then after 10 days or so we will be hittin the road again and headed up to Spokane, Washington. So I have been doing my research on fun activites for LONG road trips for kiddos 3 and under. Here is some of the ideas I have come across so far.
What a great idea. All kinds of fun activites using a cookie sheet and magnets! Each kiddo can have their own cookie sheet, so their will be no fighting or arguing over that and Audra just got some letter magnets for her birthday that will be perfect for all these fun activities.
I also found this on Pinterest, which I also thought was a great idea with those cookie sheets. You can chalkboard paint them, so they are multi-use.
And you can take those great dollar store puzzles and add magnets to the back of them, so they can put them together on their cookie sheet! My 3 1/2 year loves puzzles, this will be perfect.
I am also printing out lots of these great coloring sheets. I’m going to add 2 clothespins to the top of the cookie sheet to hold coloring pages in place. Thankfully my kiddos do love to color. I have bought them each their own pack of crayons, again to hopefully avoid the arguing.
This site has lots of great maps. I have printed out a map of the united states and highlighted the route we will be taking. At each stop we take along the way, the kiddos will get a new sticker to add to the map, so they can see how much further we have to go.
I am also working on this little project, one for each kiddo. A pillow with their intial and a pocket to hold their little toys or babies. And a great handle so they can carry it themselves. I will work on a tutorial for you guys for next week.
That’s what I’ve got so far. If you have anymore great ideas to keep the kiddos busy, besides movies (we of course will have the dvd player with a few new movies and lots of fun snacks!) I would love to hear them. My kiddos sure are excited to see our families and are sooo ready to get out of this crazy HEAT! Oh wait that is ME! Hopefully all you Arizonians are staying cool while I am enjoying some beautiful weather.