Today I got a very fun email from my amazing brother who took pictures during the market for us, since we were all so crazy running around. So today’s post is a little, actually a lot, picture heavy, but I thought you would all enjoy seeing the fun that we had. So a huge thank you to Jake Floch for the pictures. And a huge thannk you to everyone that came out to the event and made it such a successful day! We had over 1700 people walk through the gate. And another HUGE thank you to our 70+ FABULOUS vendors they truly make it such an amazing market!
And an HUGE THANK YOU to MANDY!!!! For keeping our booth running smoothly and answering everyones questions! We couldn’t do it without YOU!!
And a huge THANK YOU to all the AMAZINGLY STRONG Young Life guys carting around all the heavy furniture for our shoppers!!!
And a huge thank you to Kip Fox for joining us and providing us with that FABULOUS music all morning! Isn’t he GREAT! If you are interested in buying a cd you can get one on his website
We also want to thank all our family and friends that helped us all day long in the heat, make this such a successful day! We truly couldn’t do it without you. Thank you to Coley’s parents and Nate & Brittany & Chelsea who helped us take tickets all day at the gate! And thank you to Hannah who made all those fabulous announcements all day! Thank you to all our strong young life guys & Doug & Stephen who hauled all that furniture around all day for our shoppers. And thank you to the Young Life girls running around an selling tickets to that amazing mining cart! And thank you so much to our AMAZING food truck Torched Goodness that provided us with all those yummy treats all day! And a HUGE thank you to WestWorld and Ej for graciously working with us and supplying us with all those barricades! And most of all THANK YOU to our FABULOUSLY AMAZING HUSBANDS who ran around all day keeping all things under control and directing people to where to go, getting more and more change since we kept running out, and hauling around big pieces of furniture! There would be no way to make this event happen without such SUppOrTIve LOviNG Husbands! We love you and thank you! That was a lot of thank yous, so thanks for bearing with us, but these events require a lot more work than just we can handle so we are so so so very thankful for all the helpful and generouse people who help us put it on. We had so much fun and can’t wait for November 10th!!!