I think we have about recovered now, it has taken us awhile to get things going again on the blog and I apologize. We actually have already been busily planning the next market!!! Can you believe it, mark your calendars for September 20th!!!
So I’m sure you are all anxious to start seeing all those fabulous pictures by Danielle Apple Photography from the market, but first we want to start with some Thank You’s! We honestly couldn’t put on this event without all our AMAZING volunteers, that spend hours and hours helping us make this event go. I think we had over 100 volunteers this event! Isn’t that crazy!?!
We are so very blessed to have such AMAZINGLY wonderful families and friends, our interns that chose to spend their weekends helping us!! And we are so so thankful to all of our team!! Aren’t they GREAT!! Unfortunately not all of them made it in this picture, but almost all of them!
We were blessed to have FABULOUS group of Young Life volunteers. They worked their butts off carrying all the heavy and large treasures found by all of you at the market to your cars!!! Aren’t they the greatest?!? We are so so so thankful for their help and so happy that we were able to raise lots of money tohelp send them all to camp!
And the market would definitely not be the same without our FABULOUS MUSICIANS!!! I seriously look forward to hearing them all sing every market! They are all just so great!!
A huge THANK YOU to Kip Fox! It’s always a treat to hear him rockin out! Make sure you head on over to Kip’s facebook page and show him some love!!!
And a huge THANK YOU to Obadiah Parker! What a great voice! We are so thankful. Head over to Obadiah’s facebook page and show him some love too!
And a HUGE THANK YOU to Lee Perriera for closing out the day! He finished the day strong for us! We also LOVE Lee, if you missed him, make sure you head over to facebook and share some love with him too! We are so very THANKFUL for these amazingly talented men who come and perform us!
We also wanted to THANK the AZ ManCave and Everything Goes for setting up a FABULOUS ManCave for everyone that needed a little breather! And to Modern Manor for the comfy chairs!!
All these people help us put on this great event and we are just so THANKFUL for all their help!!! What was your favorite memory from the market?