Have you ever set out to make a super cute project that is suposedly really easy only to fail massively? Well I have. Many times, but lucky me this time around I think I made a decent save. When I started this project it was with the intent of making this dip drip vase.
I gathered my supplies, a dollar store vase and some gold metallic glass paint, and dipped my vase. Only to find out that the paint that I used was too thick…..it didn’t drip at all, making the vase really ugly and undrippy. But have no fear I was not about to let this project completely fail. I did have to post about it after all. So in a last ditch effort to save it I pulled out my trusty round sponge and made a polka dot vase.
It’s hardly perfect, but it is fun, and considering the hot mess it was before I’d say it turned out looking pretty great.