I have a quick before and after for you. I will post detailed pictures later this week (I am franticaly trying to find my $500 camera that is missing!!) Our craft room was lovingly called the crap room for the last 4 months. I couldn’t take it any more so my mom came over, I bribed my kids with ice cream to leave us alone and we got to work!
Here is the room during ( I forgot the before, but trust me, it was a disaster- you couldnt’t see the floor)…
Here is the after…
Sorry for the awlful pictures. They are from my phone. Please pray I can find my camera!
It is not decorated or totally done, but we can walk around the room and the kids haven’t left the room since we did it! I am setting up a wrapping station that I am really excited about! Post coming soon!
Have a great week!