This crazy monsoon season has left me longing for fall. I like to sit inside and watch the storms (with my air conditioning cranked) sipping coffee just pretending we are in my favorite season. It’s all glorious until I open the door and remember that even though it is an absolute down pour outside it is still 104. Gross! So in honor of the fake fall weather I decided to make a scarf. One that while adorable will probably not be worn for months.
I bought this great fabric years ago. Isn’t it lovely? I had every intention of making it into a scarf. But then I felt like it wasn’t actually long enough, leave it to me to not think about how much fabric I need when purchasing it. Son on the shelf it has sat for three years. Until I remembered the oh so great infinity scarf. Those babies are not only fun looking but they don’t need to be as long.
So off I went on this 15 min project. First I cut the fabric right down the middle. Giving me one finished edge from the bolt and one cut edge. I gave the cut edge a small zig zag stich to keep it from fraying.
Next I folded the fabric in half inside out, and using the same zig zag stich sewed the two ends together. Trimmed the edge and flipped it back around. And it was ready to wear.
Now the only problem is I really want to wear it, and I think that would cause undo sweating at this point. Come on cooler weather head out way!!