Business Name: Wyldebyrd Art Photography Buildifacts and Family
Shops where people can find you: Rusty Saturday and Zinnias at Melrose in Phoenix. Any Old Iron & Ugly Mugs Coffee both in Nashville, TN
Personal bio: Lance is a pilot for Southwest Airlines. He is married to his wife Jamie and they have two boys, Lucas “Wylde” and Judah “Byrd” Originally from Canada, Lance combines his sharpened skills from building log cabins in the Canadian frontier with his current profession in aviation. Fairly new to the valley Wyldebyrd Art is expanding on establishing itself with its unique brand of pieces dubbed buildifacts.
How did you start your business & why? I started in Nashville Tennessee through a neighborhood connection at a local store called the Fuselage in September 2013. Wyldebyrd Art was previously East Side Art capturing local East Nashville business storefronts and sharing aviation photography.
How would you best describe your style and the items you sell? Wyldebyrd Art has been expanding from its early start in photography into industrial and folk art. Typical pieces include vintage automotive grille and aviation fuselage pieces displayed on barn wood. As well the unique state map pieces constructed from reclaimed materials are also moving up the popularity ladder.
When was your first Junk in the Trunk Vintage Market? Last May Zinnias at Melrose featured Wyldebyrd Art in one of their booth locations. This market will Wyldebyrd Arts first solo event.
And what is your favorite part about the event? Or a favorite memory? Our family has several pieces from the great selection of vendors in our home. It also expanded the relationship between Wyldebyrd Art and both Rusty Saturday and Zinnias at Melrose. My wife of course would have a list of all her personal favorites. Junk has been a treasure and blessing to our family.
What’s your favorite place to get away in the summer? San Diego beaches.
Thank you Lance for sharing! Head over to Instagram to see what Wyldebyrd is working on for the market!
I understand you have an aviation art showing tonight feb 6 where is it at and is there an address? Thanks Henry 509-630-7808
Thats not us sorry!