Business Name: WhiteFive Designs
Shops where people can find you: Green Table Gifts, Tempe
Personal bio: Husband/Wife Duo + 3 Kiddos = WhiteFive Designs. Just a city boy from Portland, OR. Just a small town girl from Bagdad, AZ (it’s a real place, I promise). Shawn is an adventurer at heart, loves the great outdoors, motorcycles, woodworking & house renovations. Candi loves a great hot beverage, the beach, quality time with friends, vintage decor & repurposing.
How did you start your business & why? Started by “accident” in November of 2012. We are full time campus missionaries at ASU. I was looking for a way to make some extra money around the holidays. I had an opportunity to take part in a local market selling some wood signs & decor – with much fear & trembling I decided to go for it- thinking it would be a seasonal thing only. Things never stopped & here we are now. We feel extremely blessed & have sensed God’s favor on WhiteFive Designs!
How would you best describe your style and the items you sell? Style: Eclectic – Rustic, Vintage, Glam Wood Signs, Repurposed Decor & Furniture, Vintage Decor
When was your first Junk in the Trunk Vintage Market? May 2013
And what is your favorite part about the event? Or a favorite memory? Love the diversity of vendors & the air of expectancy! Enjoy meeting new friends & seeing return customers. The live music is always a fav & the professionalism of the event is fab!!!
What’s your favorite place to get away in the summer? Anywhere that is cooler than here!! Love California, Colorado, Oregon & Northern Arizona.
Thank you so much Shawn & Candi for sharing! Head over to Instagram to see what White Five Designs is bringing on September 19th & 20th!