Business Name: Vintage Addiction
Shops where people can find you: on Etsy
Personal bio: I moved here from Pennsylvania about 5 years ago and love sunny Arizona. I have 4 children and a husband who loves creating too. I enjoy painting, decorating, movies, hiking and watching my kids sports.
How did you start your business & why? I started my business about a year ago after attending Junk In The Trunk last May as a shopper. I was in awe of the whole atmosphere and knew then I really wanted to be a part of it. My first JITT as a vendor was September of 2014.
How would you best describe your style and the items you sell? I sell repurposed and handmade vintage and shabby chic furniture and home decor. My items are fun, unique and affordable.
And what is your favorite part about the event? Or a favorite memory? My favorite part of it is seeing all the talent and being surrounded by so many people who share the same interests as me. I love meeting new vendors and hearing positive feedback. It’s a great feeling.
What’s your favorite place to get away in the summer? My favorite vacation summer spot is the California beaches.
Thank you so much Stacy for sharing! Head over to Instagram to see what Vintage Addiction AZ is prepparing for the market! She’s been busy!