Name: Rachel Hudgens
Business Name: Twenty6designs
Shops where people can find you: My hand lettered apparel can be found at La Grande Orange, Made Art Boutique, Bungalow Furniture & Accessories, and Muse Apparel.
Personal bio: This girl wears many hats figuratively speaking. Originally from the San Francisco Bay Area. Wife to Danny of almost 20 years, mom of 4 children (ages 19,16,11,& 9), domestic at heart, baker, hand lettering artist, tee shirt designer, vintage hunter, bible study goer, & concert junkie.
How did you start your business & why? I have always loved the art of design and typography. My dad salvaged a large chalkboard from work in 1980 and hung it in my room, I was 5. I spent a lot of time writing on that board and rearranging my furniture. Not much has changed since then. I now have my own business writing for weddings, restaurants, painting small art pieces and designs for apparel.
How would you best describe your style and the items you sell? I love the look of a room that is eclectic, natural, and full of life~ never looking staged. I achieve this look with the combination of old and new items, books, art, textured fabrics, and pretty much anything that makes me smile. These are the types of items you’ll find in my booth along with some of my very own art and hand lettered apparel.
When was your first Junk in the Trunk Vintage Market? May 2014
And what is your favorite part about the event? Or a favorite memory? I love Junk in the Trunk Vintage Market because it provides me the opportunity to connect with our community & have my very own shop for a weekend. The very first time I had participated, my dad had encouraged me to give it a try. He drove all the way from Northern California to help me make it happen. We have sweet memories in the bank of being rookies together setting up “the little booth that could”.
What’s your favorite place to get away in the summer? My family of 6 drives to Mission Beach every summer from Phoenix. We happily burn ourselves out on fish tacos, sand, and sun!
Thank you so much for sharing Rachel! Head over to instagram to see what Twenty6designs is preparing for the market!