Business Name: Reclaimed Rapture
Shops where people can find you: Zinnias at Melrose
Personal bio: I have been a working artist for 25 years, my career originated as a Graphic Designer-but when I discovered restoring furniture and creating a market for Furniture Art, I was off and running! I have been creating custom designs and interior spaces in the valley for 10 years now.
How did you start your business & why? Started my business to explain away the hoarding tendencies and then the creative outlet became the vehicle to promote custom work and designing spaces.
How would you description of your style and the items you sell? I don’t think I really have a style-I only work on pieces that speak to me and I paint what I love. Sometimes it is a bit jenky and colorful, sometimes it is velvet white and shabby.
When was your first Junk in the Trunk Vintage Market? Well…I attended the first one in Lindsey’s yard…and stalked it for years…but this is my 4th show as a vendor.
And what is your favorite part about the event? Hands down-the energy the people bring. The folks we meet, who visit and chat, who buy a $2 item or a $200 piece….the people make it worth it!
Or a favorite memory? I will never forget the 1st email I received accepting my vendor application…”We want You!” …..I was literally trembling!
What’s your favorite place to get away in the summer? Such a dork I am… workroom! I get tons done in the summer and don’t stress when the fall hits!
Thank you so much Deanna for sharing! Head over to Facebook and check out what Reclaimed Rapture is preparing for the market.