Business Name: Pockets with Posies
Shops where people can find you: The Copper Whale in Prescott, and on etsy.
Personal bio: I grew up in Northern Arizona living next door to my grandparents. It was my grandma who taught me to crochet, and encouraged me in my art. I’ve been married to my high school sweetheart for 16 years and have three beautiful kids to show for it. Coke is my coffee. And I have a major sweet tooth, bring me chocolate and I’ll love you forever.
How did you start your business & why? I have been a stay at home momma since my first born (now almost 14) joined our family. I’ve dabbled in handmade ventures during that time to help supplement our income. After the kids all started school, I felt like I should get a job. But my husband really encouraged me to continue with my artistic ventures so I can be home for our kids (which is what I really wanted anyway). So I started Pockets with Posies and gave all my first creations to my daughter. As my designs progressed, I opened my Etsy shop and the rest is history.
How would you best describe your style and the items you sell? I work mostly with children’s toys and wall decor. I get inspired from vintage goodness and kawaii cuteness. Custom handmade dolls, pillow dolls and faux taxidermy wall hangings are what I mainly focus on. I also dabble a little in tshirt design.
When was your first Junk in the Trunk Vintage Market? I’m a Junk in the Trunk newbie. My first JITT show was this past May 2015 and it was such a fun experience!
And what is your favorite part about the event? Or a favorite memory? I love the mix of vendors and the eclectic mix of amazing things that are all under one roof. I walked through the event several times and still felt like I missed so much! It was definite eye candy.
What’s your favorite place to get away in the summer? We live in Northern Arizona, so the heat isn’t nearly as intense as it is in Phoenix. So, when we’re not at Disneyland, we like to go for bike rides and laze around the pool.
Thank you Stephanie for sharing! Head over to Instagram to see what Pockets with Posies is planning for the market!