Business Name: Perspective Design & Antiques
Shops where people can find you: We own a store that is located in Hobbs, New Mexico as well as various shows around the country including Marburger Farms in Roundtop, Texas.
Personal bio: We are a husband/wife team who grew up together since childhood. Turned out to be a little more than just friends…..
How did you start your business & why? We always enjoyed searching and incorporating vintage and antique items in our home. Friends & family started to encourage us to get a booth at a local antique mall. While both having full time jobs we began to look at this opportunity as an actual possibly of supporting our family. In 2012 we began participating in antique/vintage shows across the US. Now we both run the business as well as our design/staging portion on a full time basis. In 2014 we opened our own store, Perspective Design & Antiques located in Hobbs, NM.
How would you best describe your style and the items you sell? Decorative Antiques & Interiors with a strong emphasis in visual merchandising. We look to inspire our customers and encourage others to incorporate items that have a story into their homes.
When was your first Junk in the Trunk Vintage Market? This is our first JITT to attend. We look forward to meeting everyone and experiencing JITT
And what is your favorite part about the event? Or a favorite memory? At these types of shows we always enjoy meeting other vendors. Throughout the set-up/ show times/ and load out, we develop friends that often travel together to similar shows. We call them our “Show Family.”
What’s your favorite place to get away in the summer? We are avid Scuba Divers and enjoy the clear pristine waters of Bonaire.
Thanks so much for sharing Matt & Heather! Head over to their instagram to check out some fantastic inspiration!