Business Name: Loud Luggage Company
Shops where people can find you: All over AZ soon to come!
Personal bio: I am the youngest of 3 boys so by the time I was at the age where my bicycle needed to be fixed I had to do it myself! Desert dog born and raised in AZ by my wonderful mother (best dad I ever had). I’m a jack of all trades that believes in anything. 28years old, I manage a turquoise factory during the day, Loud Luggage at night! I like my music loud, bmx, rare cars & to build.
How did you start your business & why? I wanted a portable boom box for my 1963 VW bug, inspired by some friends and a collection of old suitcases I had, I built my first Loud Luggage and from there Loud Luggage Co was born!
How would you best describe your style and the items you sell? The Original Loud Luggage
When was your first Junk in the Trunk Vintage Market? This will be my first.
And what is your favorite part about the event? Or a favorite memory? Haven’t been but I’ve always heard nothing but good things “you have to go there” it’s your style” can’t wait. I like the name, the sound of things, the look, location, it’s great! Just what we needed for LLC
What’s your favorite place to get away in the summer? Nothing like going to some of the hidden paradises in Arizona, wet beaver creek, fossil creek, anywhere with flowing water!
Thank you for sharing Brent! We are looking forward to have you join us! Head over to Facebook and see what Loud Luggage Co is prepping for the market.