Name: Kim Jackson
Business Name: Jaxn Blvd
Shops where people can find you: Audrey’s and Cortate furniture or our website
Personal bio: raised in AZ married in 2009 in the Mesa Arizona temple to my hubby Curtis. We have three kids Gwyn, Stetson and Rooney. Im a hairdresser and I enjoy spending time with family and friends. Any downtime I have is spent redoing or starting some new project in my home
How did you start your business & why? Jaxn blvd was started truly by accident. My sister had asked me to make a sign for her for Christmas, I made it and then it kind of snow balled, before I knew it I was painting on the floor of my living room for dozens of people, during this time I found out I was pregnant , when my belly got “too big” to sit and paint I moved to my kitchen table… Had my baby and started hiring help to keep up with demand! We currently have 13 honeybees that help keep Jaxn blvd up and running . we appreciate all the love and support and cant wait to see what the future holds
How would you best describe your style and the items you sell? Jaxn blvd creates Wood signs! Ive been told my style tends to be on the eclectic side, although I gravitate towards bold colors and love to mix prints, I appreciate the simplicity of black and white. I try to allow many different looks when I create new signs!
When was your first Junk in the Trunk Vintage Market? I attended my first junk as a customer when junk was outside at West world. It was their first show there. I left feeling hopeful that I could maybe have a booth at their next show. I had planned on bringing vintage items, and happened to ask if I could bring some of my handmade signs, They said yes, I brought about 20 and they were all sold in the first 10 minutes that the show opened! I couldn’t believe it, my father who helped with my booth that day even said “go home and make some more!” we have been fortunate to be invited to every show since !
And what is your favorite part about the event? Or a favorite memory? the people for sure. We love meeting the faces behind our social media following. Its the most humbling and exciting thing I’ve ever experienced, the minute the show is over we are all back to work to create for the next show.
What’s your favorite place to get away in the summer? My family and my sisters family get away every summer for a week to NewPort Beach California.
Thank you Kim for sharing! It’s been fun watching your business grow over the years! Head over to Instagram to see what Jaxn Blvd is bringing to the market on September 19th & 20th!