Business Name: Izzy Bella Designs
Shops where people can find you: My Front Porch in Gilbert
Personal bio: I am native to Arizona, grew up in Sunnyslope. I have 2 grown children and 3 grandchildren. For for 62nd birthday, 3 generations…me, my daughter and granddaughter…went sky diving…it was on my “Bucket List” and it was amazing!!!
How did you start your business & why? ..IzzyBella started as a hobby, quickly turned into a business and I LOVE it. I love being able to touch someone’s life, to make even a small difference. Of course I want to make a profit, but that isn’t my driving force.
How would you best describe your style and the items you sell?
When was your first Junk in the Trunk Vintage Market? My first JITT was in the front yard in Mesa I think? Or it was the very first Westworld out in the parking was one of the first people to be using Annie Sloan Chalk Paint, and my furniture was melting in the heat, we even brought our evap cooler and had it going… Our first market was in a backyard in Scottsdale. We did however participate in a market in a backyard in Mesa where I think we met you and then you joined us for our first market at WestWorld in the parking lot!
And what is your favorite part about the event? Or a favorite memory? My favorite part is when you first walk in to set up…the pure energy that flows thru the building is amazing. I walk in, and just pause for a second or two to just absorb that energy. Next, I like going around and seeing what everyone has and meeting new vendors/artist. I love the camaraderie of the place.
What’s your favorite place to get away in the summer? I love the ocean and my daughter lives in San Diego, so that’s where I enjoy my summer. Next is my back yard. We have a pool to keep cool and after 33 years in the same house, my back yard is a get away paradise to me. I love my landscaping and just sitting and enjoying it.
Thanks so much for sharing Vicki! Head over to Facebook to see what Izzy Bella Designs is preparing for the market!