Business Name: Everything Goes
Shops where people can find you: Everything Goes 11649 N. Cave Creek Road Phx 85020
Personal bio: We are a husband and wife team. We own shops right next to each other. Lenny runs the Az Man Cave & I run Everything Goes. We have 3 children 1 boy & 2 girls. We both love living in Arizona but were not born here. Lenny grew up in New Mexico and I am a Jersey girl! On the weekends we love to get away to our cabin in Pine AZ where we are known as pickers!
How did you start your business & why? I used to shop at Everything Goes and became a vendor years ago with my mother. After a horrific car accident, I couldn’t go back into the field of fitness & exercise so I bought Everything Goes. Lenny was in the engineering business for 20 years and wanted a change so we thought “Let’s open a Man Cave!”
How would you best describe your style and the items you sell? The best thing about our store is our vendors! There are over 35 vendors that all have different taste. One unique thing about our store is that you can find something for everyone! Our motto is, “One of a kinds and hard to finds!!!”
When was your first Junk in the Trunk Vintage Market? May 2012
And what is your favorite part about the event? Or a favorite memory? I would have to say meeting ALL the wonderful people who attend and past customers!
What’s your favorite place to get away in the summer? I’d have to say the beach!
Thank you so much Nancy for sharing! We are so thankful for the excitement that you bring to every market! Be sure to check out Everything Goes on facebook!