Business Name: Creative Options by Tami, LLC
Shops where people can find you: Call It New/ Call It Antique in Mesa
Personal bio: I have served the homeless and less fortunate individuals for over 20 years with my husband who is a Pastor. I founded Furniture Bank, a 501c3 public charity, to help people with furniture and furnishings who are participating in programs of improvement and self-sustainability in order to escape homelessness and become self-supporting.
How did you start your business & why? My business started from an idea to repurpose donated furniture and furnishings that could not be placed in homes in their current condition. Items were then resold to help fund and support my nonprofit Furniture Bank.
How would you best describe your style and the items you sell? I love the clean lines of industrial furniture and accessories. Its an adventure finding pieces to fit together. The rustier the better.
When was your first Junk in the Trunk Vintage Market? May 2014
And what is your favorite part about the event? Or a favorite memory? I can feel my heart race as I enter the warehouse in anticipation of seeing so many unique pieces. Its great to spend the day with people that understand that rust is a beautiful color.
What’s your favorite place to get away in the summer? Any place that is under 100 degrees.
Thank you Tami for sharing!! Be sure to come on September 19th and 20th to see Tami in action!!