Well today we have a very special guest joining us. A couple weeks ago my cousin Aly’s son Rowan turned one and she threw just the most adorable cars themed birthday party for him. Since we have been talking about parties I wanted to share with you all the cute ideas from this party. It’s quite AMAZING. Enjoy! And make sure to stop by Aly’s etsy shop ,Aleph Design, and show her some love!!
Since the day my Rowan got his first toy cars I knew he was in love. These particular cars would wind up and then soar across the floor, and as soon as a car stopped he would start to scream and cry. We thought he was scared at first, but then soon realized he was upset because we did not do it again fast enough. Row Boy also has a Jeep walker that he loved to cruz around in. He became a “professional driver” in that thing ( 3 point turns, parallel parking, and all that good stuff ). So, as his birthday approached, it was no surprise that I decided to do a cars theme. It was his first birthday, and we all know at this age the party décor is more for the adults, so I wanted to do something cutesy, old timey, and vintage. First things first: the invite. I decided since Row Boy loved his Jeep so much that I would take a picture of him in it, and then superimpose him into a vintage car. I added a little Elvis hair to go with the year of the car.
After the invite was done I did a little research on Pinterest. I found so many cute ideas for all types of vintage kid parties, which made it so hard to pick and choose what to do. Since his birthday was close to Fourth of July, and old time vintage cars remind me of America, I went with a red white and blue color theme. I also added American flags here and there. I got a lot of my decor from The Dollar Store ( the black posters, chalk, coke cups, balloons, red baskets, napkins, American flags, plates, etc. ) I also just found a lot of the decor around my place, and my parents place (vases, toy cars, white plates and bowls, American flag tray, brown paper, etc.) The banner above the table is made out of string and paint chips from Home Depot. Also, because the whole party was a vintage theme I wanted to add a chalkboard somehow. I love, love, love the look of chalkboards, and I was so excited when my friend Meghan decided to make and give me the chalkboard seen on the food table for Rowan’s birthday. She also beautifully wrote all the fun facts about Rowan on the chalkboard. It is an understatement to say this was my favorite piece at the party. I absolutely love it, and now have it up at my house. I want to keep it, writing and all, forever.
For the food we went very simple: chips and dip, salad, fruit salad, donuts (AKA: spare tires), watermelon, snacks, and hot dogs. And for his birthday cake I decided to have a chocolate cake made in the shape of a tire. I did not get a good picture, but there is foil in the middle, made to look like a hubcap. We also had chocolate cupcakes, with Oreos on top ( AKA: tires ). Oh, and since the day was hot I had a few water stations for the kids. The water tables were labeled Poppo’s ( Poppo is his grandpa ) fill up Station, and the baby pools were labeled Bubba’s ( we call him Bubba ) Car Wash.
The preparation for the party was a lot of work, but I got tons of help from friends and family, and in the end it was all worth it. All the guests had a lot of fun, and my favorite part was watching Row Boy have a blast in the water, eating cake, and listening to everyone sing happy birthday. I still can’t believe my baby boy is one. Time flies when you’re having fun with the ones you love.
Checkout Aly and Meghan’s Etsy Shop: Aleph Design