For us women, our handbag is our essential item that we take everywhere. It holds our iPhone, lipgloss, credit cards, and everything else in between. It’s our staple accessory that we are always seen with, and it’s one of the accessories that we love to swap out and switch out for a new look based on our outfit….which means we have a lot. How and where do we store these beauties? We’ll show you how JITT does it, and then you can show us your tips!
“The perks of being single would be having a full closet to yourself –so there is plenty of shelf space for me to store my purses and duffle bag on the top shelf of my closet. Next to my extra pillows, are more sun hats……because I mean obviously living in Arizona one needs to have at least one sun hat in every closet of their home. right? Then I also have two hooks on the side wall of my closet, one for robes and the other I use for my tote bags.”
Such a neat idea of hanging purses on your hangers! And her shoes look so organized too…(sneak peek into next week’s topic!)
Luckily for me, I only have one purse that I use everyday, so I have a “get out of organizing” card! And I don’t have to worry about switching bags and, knowing me, misplacing things. But I am working on my collection slowly but surely..
Here are some fun ideas that I found as well…
Couldn’t find a source for this, but I absolutely love the shelving idea! It makes all those handbags and wallets look so neat.
Or use hooks in your closet!
Here’s a nifty little caddy as another option too.
Hope you all found some inspiration today! Have any sweet ideas for us? Show us on Instagram or Facebook! Have a great Sunday!