Do you guys ever have just wonderful thoughts of projects and craftiness that don’t work out? It happens to me all the time. Projects end up being way more difficult that they looked online…….or I am super slow so they take longer than I thoug
ht……or they just plain don’t look good. Such is the life I guess.
Two weekends ago I didn’t really have any plans so I thought to myself “Mandy what should you do with all this free time?” You know what I decided to do? Make a quilt. Yup that’s right. Not the least bit ambitious. So after work Friday night I headed off to the fabric store to pick up these gems.
When I got home I didn’t dilly dally. I made some dinner, pulled up Alias on Netflix and got to cutting. 2.5 episodes later I had it all cut and ready to go. WOWSA! At this point I was feeling pretty darn good about myself and my quilting skills.
When Saturday rolled around a I ended up being out most of the day – BUT have no fear I got all the pieces laied out, exactly how I wanted it. And I even got the bias tape made up for the edging. I knew really I should have gotten more done but hey I still had all day Sunday right?
Oh silly silly me. I worked and worked and worked on Sunday and still she was not finished. I guess making a full sized quilt takes a heck of a lot more time than I had origianlly anticipated. There were some minor complications like the fact that my sewing machine stopped working, or that whole work + etsy store + church + social life = busy came into play a little bit too. But you know going from expecting something to be a one weekend project to 2.5 weeks later and still not finished is a bit rough.
My expectations were a tad bit unrealistic I realize now. But here I am with my post – becuase you know last week I planned to do a post about the quilt , of course at that time I still thought it would be finished by now and this would have been a hey look what cool crafty thing I made, instead of the hey look how lame I am that I thought I could do this WAY faster than my skill level – oh right I am SO not as cool as I thought. Thank you quilt for the reality check haha. So I shall leave you with this – a photo of her in her current non finished state.
Over half of the quilting stiches are finished, which is good, but yeah then we have that whole binding thing to do. Have no fear I will get you a finished product photo when that day comes. But let’s just say don’t hold your breath it may be a few more weeks.