Okay, I know that word does not really work. But when I hear the word “resolution” I think of things like “drink more water, and less Dr. Pepper” or “Go to the gym instead of binge watching Mad Men on Netflix.” No stinkin’ fun. So when you replace the “res” with “fun” you get….
Fun – olutions!
Even if you don’t make formal resolutions, the New Year holiday makes everyone think about what they want to accomplish in the next year, fun or not so fun. Since we girls at Junk in the Trunk Vintage Market blog prefer fun over not fun, (who doesn’t?) we wanted to share our fun = olutions with you!
Coley – This year I want to cook more and spend more time playing with my kids.
Lindsey – One of my big to do’s this year is focused / individual time once a month for each of the kiddos. (Linds has 3 under 5!) And to get all the boxes unpacked from the move. I still have a garage full of boxes!
Mandy – One of my resolutions this year is to cook more and entertain more at my home.
Hmmm……Mandy recently moved just a few minutes from me. Need some practice, friend?
Chantelle – My resolution is to be more crafty, and try to make more gifts and cards instead of buying them.
Beth – This year I want to learn to knit and actually make myself a sweater. I know, I have an addiction to making my own clothes now!
Do you have any fun-olutions? Don’t be shy! Share them with us!