Inspiration Tuesday
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I finally got a couch YAY! She’s quite cute and comfy to boot. But once she was delivered it became abundantly clear that I needed to get something up on my walls to make the room look a little more put together. I decided to take the efficient and or lazy approach to a wall…
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So as most of you know we have been working non-stop on up-dating our main bathroom. If you recall the plethora of wallpaper I wrote about here. Well, we had very little budget to update the bathroom, so it was all hands on deck. I removed the wall paper on one wall and my dad…
Hello friends! I am back for an afternoon post for the sake of eye candy. I got some good shots and had fun editing them. Take a peek. This will be for sale at our upcoming Market in May at WestWorld! Write my essay toronto
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After taking down all of my Valentine’s Day decor I felt like my apartment was looking a bit sad. Defiantly lacking in some color. That was all the motivation I needed to hit up the closet full off sewing stuff and get to crackalackin. A half hour, one episode of The Big Bang theory and…
I hope your week is off to a great start. We are excited about the upcoming months for Junk in the Trunk so make sure you keep checking back in with us, because we have some fun things in store. And for all those interested in a being a vendor at the upcoming Junk in…
Are you needing a little inspiration this week? Hopefully something catches your eye and inspires you to create something great this week. Via Via Via Via Via Via Via Someone to write my essay
I have been a busy little bee over here and wanted to share a fun little project I just finished! When we got our new house, the owners left a lot of furniture here that we ended up buying from them. Among them were these hideous lamps. Because our budget is tight, I decided to embrace…