My “Baby” turned three last week. How does this whole growing up thing happen so fast? I feel like just yesterday she was happily snuggled into my elbow! Now she has pigtails and says things like, “Mom, I was thinkin…”Sigh.
Since she and my husband practically share a birthday (one day apart) we decided to let him pick the menu far the party. He chose an Oktoberfest theme – what a manly man – with bratwurst etc. As he was scanning some recipes to see what else he wanted, I heard him mumble “yum, beer rocks…” Um, what the heck are beer rocks? Turns out, what the Franklins call “Beer rocks” is a staple German food that I ate practically every week growing up. My Great Grandma, whose English was barely intelligible, called them burr – rook. (Like you’re saying Brooke, only you’re really cold!) So I had a nostalgic afternoon of making bieroke with my Mama.
I know you’re dying to know, what the heck IS a beer rock / burr rook? Bieroke is a delicious German meat pastry, fluffy white bread stuffed with seasoned ground beef, cabbage, and onions. I leave the cabbage out. Blech. The last time I made bieroke was with my Nana, right before my little cousin Gracie Lou was born, seven years ago! The taste and smell took me right back to Sunday night at Nana and Poppa’s house. I felt a little foolish, but I admit that I felt a little teary a time or two while we were making it, and later when we were eating it. Kinda crazy that just a food can do that to you.
Isn’t that one of the reasons why we love vintage so much? It reminds us of good memories – of our parents or grandparents or even great grandparents. It reminds us of people we love, and beautiful memories we have. Even if we don’t have specific memories, vintage reminds us of a simpler time when people made bieroke in tiny little kitchens with their Grandmothers. We look at a vintage quilt and think of snuggling in front of a fire without the distraction of a tv or a smartphone. We look at a beautiful piece of weathered barnwood and we think of the hands that built it piece by piece (without checking instructions on YouTube). It makes us want to slow down and enjoy the time we have now.
Don’t forget, the market is 5 DAYS AWAY! Come down and breathe in the vintage. Even if you don’t find something perfect to take home, just come and enjoy nostalgia of it all.
But I’m pretty sure you’re going to find something perfect to take home!