Last week, Junk in the Trunk posted a question on our Facebook wall.
“What gets you through the 3:00 blues?”
The most common response had something to do with coffee. My go to used to be a coke zero, but I’m trying to be, like, healthy and stuff, so I had to change that up. But the question got me thinking. What do I turn to when the little folks are restless and Daddy wont be home for a couple more hours? Although I think it was unintentional, I have definitely fallen into an afternoon routine that works pretty well for us.
1. Snacks – one for mama and one for the little people. Mama’s generally includes whatever dribbles of coffee are left in the pot, a splash of almond or coconut milk (whatever was on sale that week) a teaspoon of honey, and some ice cubes. And the blender if I’m really ambitious. The girls’ is usually fruit and cheese or some other protein. Popsicles have been a big hit lately, too. Having a snack around this time of day is prevents a big blood sugar crash right before dinner, and I have one who crashes HARD. An added bonus is that the snack keeps little mouths busy so we can have some quiet(ish) reading time.
2. An open ended activity – a manipulative like lavender scented sensory salt, oobeleck, even just a cookie sheet full of flour works for them. When the weather is nice, the kid pool is a Godsend. Anything I don’t really have to direct! Just swing by Pinterest for some great ideas to keep your kiddos busy and content during the “witching hour”
3. Good music – I heart Pandora. The “family folk” station is perfect for a crazy afternoon, with mellow, but fun and cheerful songs. My other favorite Pandora stations are Tchaikovsky, Elizabeth Mitchell, Edvard Greig, Adlele, and John Mark McMillan. When all else fails, we can crank it and have a dance party in the living room. Yes, you can have a dance party to Tchaikavsky!
Do you have an afternoon routine? What tips can you give to help get through the 3:00 blues?