Who is getting excited for NOVEMBER 9th???!!?!! Just 2 1/2 half short months away!!! It will be here before you know it, so MARK YOUR CALENDARS NOW!!! We have over 100 vendors selling all the chippy, rusty, vintage goodness you could ever want!!!
November 9th!!!
Early Entry starts @ 8:00AM (cost is $10)
General Admission starts @ 10:00AM (cost is $5)
In the upcoming months we will be having lots of FABULOUS GIVEAWAYS so make sure that you follow us on Facebook and Instagram and Twitter so you don’t miss out. And stop by the event page we setup on Facebook and let us know if we will get to see you on November 9th!
If you are interested in joining us as a vendor we are still accepting vendors selling vintage, antiques and furniture! So stop by our vendor page and fill out the application. We are filling up quickly so don’t wait!